Training and workshops

With the extensive experience of Andersen professionals combined with customized approach, we can deliver the highest standards of training and workshops in the place and at the time convenient for the client (at the client’s registered office, in our conference rooms or during integration trips).

Legal Trainings

  • Bullying and discrimination at work – identification, prevention and legal consequences of bullying.
  • Flexible forms of employment – employment of temporary workers, employee leasing – advantages gained by employers from the tripartite model of staff employment.
  • Termination of employment contracts – practical aspects.
  • How to post employees in the European Union? Practical commentary on Polish and EU legal regulations.
  • Permitted forms of employee surveillance.
  • Incentive schemes for managerial staff.
  • Amended regulations on trade unions (reasons and main objectives of amendments, widening of the group of potential unionists, rights of non-employee members of trade unions, information on the number of trade union members, employer’s control over unionisation).
  • Employee Capital Plans (purposes, objectives and general principles of ECP, ECP – when do they start and who can use them, employer’s obligations related to ECP, agreements concluded under ECP, employee under ECP – rights and duties, tax exemptions and exemptions from ECP establishment).
  • Legal aspects of employee recruitment (legal bases and scope of personal data processed in the course of recruitment, recruitment process, possible violations).
  • New principles of liability of collective entities and penal and fiscal liability of management board members.
  • Effective and safe preparation of transactions in the trade in investment properties (role of real estate in view of the Act on supporting new investment, position of international entities when purchasing real estate in Poland, unobvious risks of purchase and encumbrance of real estate, real estate report necessary for transaction preparation).
  • Legal aspects of investment process – construction law for investors and subcontractors.
  • Choice of commercial partners and cooperation conditions – not always free. Restrictions under antitrust law.
  • Copyright in advertising and marketing activity.
  • Trademarks, safeguard procedure, and competence of authorities in new EU Regulation Is it worth to register trademarks? Where is it worth registering trademarks? Registration – and what next? Is a trademark really protected after registration? What happens, if somebody else starts using your trademark? Unregistered trademark. Is it also protected under the law?
  • Personal data protection in company and company secret.
  • GDPR in HR (experiences after more than one year of GDPR application, practical aspects of recruitment, personal data at work, draft Personal Data Protection Code in recruitment, act amending certain acts to ensure GDPR application).
  • Methods to keep counterparty documentation to facilitate judicial redress (correct order forms, offers, invoices for easier pursuance of claims before courts in case of disputes, and legal institutions to be used to secure payments – bills of exchange, voluntary enforcement, debt recognition).
  • How to bid correctly? Practical aspects of participation in
    procedures for the award of public contracts.
  • Contracts in the public procurement law system – conclusion, amendment and cancellation of agreements.
  • Contractor’s forms of cooperation under public procurement contracts (consortium, civil partnership, subcontracting, use of third-party experience).

If you are interested in training or workshops tailored to your individual needs and requirements, feel free to contact us.